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CREDENCE explores two key dimensions of the shift to a renewable-based energy system, namely to what extent will energy systems be electrified (exploring how much of our future heat and transport energy needs will be met with electricity as opposed to other options, i.e. renewable heat and transport) and what are the optimal levels of decentralization for future energy systems? In addition to exploring optimal levels of electrification and decentralization, the project also investigates how communication technologies and socio-economics can enable the transition towards these optimum levels.
Goals and Objectives
- Develop the communication standards for devices to be integrated into devices and systems that will be relied upon for carbon reduction from the energy
- Assess the impact of the trends of electrification and decentralization on the power system and discover whether there are optimum levels of decentralization and electrification in order to achieve certain carbon reduction goals, driving appropriate policy
- Understand and develop the socio-economic mechanisms for migrating to those optimal levels of electrification and decentralization
Project Team
MaREI is leading the energy systems modelling efforts and socio-economic aspects, FREEDM brings expertise on distributed energy management solutions and systems-level theory, modelling and control, and EPIC-QUB are leading the communication-centered activities. In addition, the project draws on industry support from EirGrid, Ervia, ESB, ABB, Glen Dimplex, NIE, EPRI, AES, Duke Energy, who are providing data, provision of expert advice, and hosting graduate students.
Final Report
CREDENCE Final Report is available to read here.
Work Package 1
Work Package 1: The goal of this work package is to develop a multi-level Distributed State Awareness Architecture using metadata. Metadata will give meaning as to the system’s ability to be stable, vulnerable, and recoverable.
Prof D John Morrow, PI and WP Lead
Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: WP1 Leader | Email: ku.ca.buq@worroM.jD
Dr. David Laverty
Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: Leader, Task 1.1 Decentralized Communications for Distributed Energy Resources | Email: ku.ca.buq@ytreval.divad
Dominic Mullins
Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: Task 1.1 Decentralized Communications for Distributed Energy Resources | Email: ku.ca.buq@02snillumd
Dr. Aoife Foley
Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: Leader, Task 1.2 Grid Location Service for DERs using Distribution Network Measurements | Email: ku.ca.buq@yelof.a
Dr Aranya Chakrabortty
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 1.2 Latency Optimization and Cybersecurity | Email: ude.uscn@arkahca
Dr. Chris Edrington
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 1.4 Enhancing Power Systems’ Autonomy and State Awareness Using Metadata | Email: ude.usf.umaf.gne@hcnirde
Work Package 2
Work Package 2: The goals and objectives of this work package are to investigate the impacts of varying levels of decentralization, compared against additional interconnection from a cost perspective, and the power system impacts of decentralization. The investigation will also include the development of new methods that will be needed in order to control the widely distributed generation resources.
Dr. Ewan Pritchard, PI and WP Lead
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: WP2 Leader | Email: ude.uscn@hctirpge
Dr. Hesan Vahedi
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Task 1.4 Enhancing Power Systems’ Autonomy and State Awareness Using Metadata | Email: ude.usf.spac@idehavh
Work Package 3
Work Package 3: The goals and objectives of this work package are concerned with the role and extent of electrification in decarbonizing the energy systems with a particular focus on heat and transport. The power system is decarbonizing more quickly than either heat and transport and this suggests that electrification of heat and transport may be a sensible strategy to pursue
Prof Brian O Gallachoir, PI and WP Lead
Location: MaREI | Role: Leader, Work Package 3, Leader, Task 3.1 Heat and transport – future levels of electrification | Email: ei.ccu@riohcallago.b
Dr. Joseph DeCarolis
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 3.2 Impacts of different levels of electrification | Email: ude.uscn@siloracedj
Dr. Paul Deane
Location: MaREI | Role: Task 3.2 Impacts of different levels of electrification | Email: ei.ccu@enaed.pj
Xiufeng Yue
Location: MaREI | Role: Task 3.2, Impacts of different levels of electrification | Email: ei.ccu@euy.gnefuix
Neha Patankar
Location: FREEDM Centre | Role: Task 3.2 Impacts of different levels of electrification | Email: ude.uscn@knatapsn
Laura Mehigan
Location: MaREI | Role: Task 3.1 Heat and transport – future levels of electrification | Email: ei.ccu@nagihem.arual
Hadi Eshraghi
Work Package 4
Work Package 4: This work package has two objectives. First, it will investigate how consumer behavior will affect the adoption and use of new technologies related to the electrification and decentralization of the electricity system. Second, these insights will be important for developing incentive schemes fostering technology adoption and for developing market mechanisms and tariffs ensuring that adopted technologies are used in a desirable way.
Dr. John Curtis, PI and WP Leader
Location: ESRI- MaREI | Role: Leader, Work Package 4, Leader, Task 4.1 Consumer Behavior | Email: ei.irse@sitruC.nhoJ
Dr. Harrison Fell
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 4.2 Market Mechanisms | Email: ude.uscn@llefh
Dr. Joseph DeCarolis
Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 3.2 Impacts of different levels of electrification | Email: ude.uscn@siloracedj
Dr. Valeria Di Cosmo
Location: ESRI – MaREI | Role: Task 4.2 Market Mechanisms | Email: ei.irse@omsocid.airelav
Work Package 1
Co-authored papers in Peer Reviewed Journals.
- Zhao; D. M. Laverty; A. McKernan; D. J. Morrow; K. McLaughlin; S. Sezer, (2017) GPS-Disciplined Analog-to-Digital Converter for Phasor Measurement Applications, in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Vol. 66, pp. 2349 – 2357
- Hastings, J.C., Laverty, D.M., Morrow, D.J. (2018) “A Converged Approach to Physical-Layer Communications in Supporting Domestic-Level Automated Demand-Response Systems utilizing” ISO/IEC 20922. IEEE/PES General Meeting, Portland, Oregon, USA, 5th -10th August.
Work Package 2
Co-authored papers in Peer Reviewed Journals.
- Mehigan L., Deane, J. P., Ó Gallachóir, B. P., Bertsch V. (2018) The role of Distributed Generation (DG) in Future Electricity Systems. Energy 163 pp 822-836
- Mousa Marzband, Mohammad Hossein Fouladfar, Mudathir Funsho Akorede, Gordon Lightbody and Edris Pouresmaeil (2018) “Framework for Smart Transactive Energy in Home-Microgrids Considering Coalition Formation and Demand Side Management”. Sustainable Cities and Society 40, 136-154
- Mousa Marzband, Fatemeh Azarinejadian, Edris Pouresmaeil, Mehdi Savaghebi, Josep M. Guerrero and Gordon Lightbody. (2018) “Smart Transactive Energy Framework in Grid-connected Multiple Home Microgrids under Independent and Coalition Operations”. Renewable Energy 126, 95-106.
- Mehigan L., Dlzar A.K., Collins S., Foley A., Ó Gallachóir B., Deane P. (2020) Renewables in the European power system and the impact on system rotational inertia. Energy. Volume 203, 15 July 2020, 117776
- Boyle, J., Littler, T. & Foley, A. (2018) “Review of frequency stability services for grid balancing with wind generation”, IET The Journal of Engineering. p. 1-5, 18 Jul 2018
- Brinkerink, M., Deane, P., Collins, S., Ó Gallachóir B., 2018. Developing a global interconnected power system model. Global Energy Interconnection 1-4 330-343.
- Mousa Marzband, Masoumeh Javadi, S. Ali Pourmousavi, and Gordon Lightbody. (2018) “An Advanced Retail Electricity Market for Active Distribution Systems and Home Microgrid Interoperability Based on Game Theory”. Electrical Power System Research, Vol. 157, pp. 187-199, April 2018. (IF 3.289)
- Hayes, S. Thakur, J. Breslin. (2019) “Co-simulation of electricity distribution networks and peer to peer energy trading platforms”. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 115, July 2019
- A. Devlin and B. P. Hayes. (2019) “Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring and Classification of Activities of Daily Living Using Residential Smart Meter Data,” in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 339-348, Aug. 2019
- Papari, C. S. Edrington, and D. Gonsoulin, (2019) “Optimal energy-emission management in hybrid AC-DC microgrids with vehicle-2-grid technology”. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 10(1), pp. 1- 21
- Papari, C. S. Edrington, (2017), “Effective Energy Management of Hybrid AC-DC Microgrids with Storage Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, (IEEE Early Access)
- Al Kez, A. Foley, D.J. Morrow (2020) “A Comparative Assessment of Battery Energy Storage Location in Power Systems with High Wind Power Penetrations”, target: Power Systems Computational Conference (PSCC), Porto, Portugal, 29th June to 3rd July, 2020
Conference Publications
- Papari, C. S. Edrington, and T. Vu, (2017), “A Heuristic Method for Optimal Energy Management of DC Microgrid, In IEEE 2nd International Conference on DC Microgrids”, Nurnberg, Germany
- Papari, C. S. Edrington, and T. Vu, (2017), “Stochastic Operation of Interconnected Microgrids”, In IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL
- Shahab Dehghan, Meysam Khojasteh, Mousa Marzband, Gordon Lightbody, “Optimal Energy Providing Strategy of Micro-grid’s Operator based on a Game Theoretical Approach”. 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, Greece, 2018
- A. Zehir, B.P. Hayes, S.Z. Djokic, “Real-time Grouped Management of Electric Vehicle Battery Chargers (EVBCs) for Voltage Profile Improvement in Radial Distribution Networks”, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe 2019, Oct. 2019
- A. Devlin, B.P. Hayes, “Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring using Electricity Smart Meter Data: A Deep Learning Approach”, in Proceedings of IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2019
- Al Kez, A. Foley, N. McIlwane, D.J. Morrow “A review of the dynamic impacts of renewable generation, distributed generation and emerging smart loads on the power system”, 14th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1st October to 6th October 2019
- Khan, B.P. Hayes, “Three Phase State Estimation in Power Distribution Networks by Integrating IEEE-1588 with Smart Meters”, International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements, May 2019
- Papari, N. Deb, G. Ozkhan, P. Hoang, C. S. Edrington, and R. Cox (2019). “Enhancement of Energy Management in the Shipboard Power Systems Based on Recursive Distributed Load Shedding Model”, IEEE Electric Ship Technology Symposium
Work Package 3
Co-authored papers in Peer Reviewed Journals.
- Yue X., Pye S., DeCarolis J., Li F., Rogan F., Ó Gallachóir B.P. (2018) “A Review of Approaches to Uncertainty Assessment in Energy System Optimization Models” Energy Strategy Reviews 24 pp. 204-217
- Hanley E.S., Deane, J.P., Ó Gallachóir B., (2018) “The role of hydrogen in low carbon energy futures–A review of existing perspectives” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 3027-3045
- de Queiroz AR, Mulcahy D, Sankarasubramanian A, Deane JP, Mahinthakumar G, Lu N, DeCarolis JF (2019) “Repurposing an energy system optimization model for seasonal power generation planning”. Energy 181 1321-1330
- Xiufeng Yue,Neha Patankar,Joseph Decarolis,Alessandro Chiodi,Fionn Rogan,J.P. Deane,Brian O’Gallachoir. (2020) “Least cost energy system pathways towards 100% renewable energy in Ireland by 2050”. Energy. Volume 207, 15 September 2020, 118264
- Gaffney, F., Deane J.P. and Ó Gallachóir B.P. (2019) “Reconciling high renewable electricity ambitions with market economics and system operation: Lessons from Ireland’s power system”. Energy Strategy Reviews. Vol. 26, November 2019
- Brinkerink, M., Deane, P., Ó Gallachóir B. (2019) “A comprehensive review on the benefits and challenges of global power grids and intercontinental interconnectors”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Vol 107 Pages 274-287.
- Di Cosmo Valeria, Collins Seán, Deane Paul. (2019) “Welfare analysis of increased interconnection between France and Ireland”. Energy Systems. 11, 1047–1073, May 2019
- Yue X., Deane J.P., Ó Gallachoir B.P., Rogan F. (2020) “Identifying decarbonisation opportunities using marginal abatement cost curves and energy system scenario ensembles”. Applied Energy. Volume 276, 15 October 2020, 115456
- Sharma T, Ó Gallachóir B.P., Rogan F. (2020) “A new hybrid approach for evaluating technology risks and opportunities in the energy transition in Ireland”. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Volume 35, June 2020, Pages 429-444
Conference Publications
- Yue, X., Patankar, N. Rogan, Eshraghi, H. F. Decarolis, J., Rogan, F. and Ó Gallachóir, B. “100% Renewable Energy by 2050 – Comparing Ireland and US” International Energy Workshop 2019, Paris, France, June 3, 2019
- Patankar, N. “Modeling Substitution between Electricity and Energy Efficiency” – IEW – June 2018
- Patankar, “N. Effects of High Renewable Penetration on the US Energy System” – USAEE – Sept 2018
- Patankar, “N. 100%renewable energy system by 2050 – Comparing Ireland and US” – IEW – June 2019
- Patankar, “N. Emission reduction policy interactions in the United States” – USAEE – Nov 2019
Work Package 4
Co-authored papers in Peer Reviewed Journals.
- Koecklin, M. T., Longoria, G., Fitiwi, D. Z., DeCarolis, J. F., and Curtis, J. (2021). “Public acceptance of renewable electricity generation and transmission network developments: Insights from Ireland”. Energy Policy, 151:
- Curtis, J., Grilli, G., Brazil, W., and Harold, J. (2020). “Why do preferences for electricity services differ? Domestic appliance curtailment contracts in Ireland”. Energy Research & Social Science, 69.
- Harold, J., Bertsch, V., Lawrence, T., and Hall, M., (2021) “Drivers of People’s Preferences for Spatial Proximity to Energy Infrastructure Technologies: A Cross-country Analysis”, The Energy Journal, 42(4):47-90.
- Harold, J., Cullinan, J., and Lyons, S. (2020) “Consumer switching in European retail markets”. Oxford Economic Papers, Vol 72, 2, Pages 453–471
- Clancy J.M., Curtis J. Ó Gallachóir B.P. (2017) “What are the factors that discourage companies in the Irish commercial sector from investigating energy saving options?” Energy and Buildings 146 pp 243-256
- Bertsch, V., Hyland, M. & Mahony, M. (2017) “What drives people’s opinions of electricity infrastructure? Empirical evidence from Ireland”, Energy Policy, 106, pp. 472-497.
- Hyland, M. & Bertsch, V. (2018). “The role of community involvement mechanisms in reducing resistance to energy infrastructure development”. Ecological Economics, 146, pp. 447–474.
- Curtin J., McInerney C. Ó Gallachóir B.P. (2017) “Financial incentives to mobilise local citizens as investors in low-carbon technologies: A systematic literature review”. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 75 pp 534-547.
Conference Publications
- Curtis, J. “White goods appliances: electricity loads and residential curtailment contracts” – ESRI-UCC-MaREI energy research: climate action conference 17 May 2019, Dublin
- Curtis, J. “White goods appliances: electricity loads and residential curtailment contracts” – ESB Networks 3 September 2019, Dublin
- Curtis, J. “White goods appliances: electricity loads and residential curtailment contracts” – Commission for Regulation of Utilities, 17 September 2019, Dublin
US Ireland CREDENCE R&D Project Outcomes
US Ireland CREDENCE R&D Project Policy Reflections
US Ireland CREDENCE R&D Project Industry Reflections
Team Members Outside MaREI
Aoife Foley: Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: Leader, Task 1.2 Grid Location Service for DERs using Distribution Network Measurements | Email: ku.ca.buq@yelof.a
Joseph F. De Carolis: Location: FREEDM Systems Centre | Role: Leader, Task 3.2 Impacts of different levels of electrification Email: ude.uscn@siloracedj
David Laverty: Location: Queens University Belfast | Role: Leader, Task 1.1 Decentralized Communications for Distributed Energy Resources | Email: ku.ca.buq@ytreval.divad
Photo Gallery