December 16, 2021 11:00 am
The Center for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University seminars are being conducted through MS Teams.
If you would like to join, please email ei.um@yrraB.ennAeirraC
Seminars are held on Thursdays at 11 am and for more details click here.
More information about The Center for Ocean Energy Research (COER) at Maynooth University can be found here.
Everyone is welcome!!
16/12/21 | Tom O’Kane | Test Crew Chief Suzuki MotoGP |
9/12/21 | Matt Folley QUB | LiftWEC – A novel Wave Energy Converter |
25/11/21 | Abel Arredondo Galeana University of Strathclyde | Strategies for improved hydro-structural performance of wave cycloidal rotors |
18/11/21 | Marco Rosati | Nonlinear data-based hydrodynamic modelling of an OWC device: Is it worth it? |
11/11/21 | Maialen Agirre Aspiazu | All About Me – Maialen Agirre |
4/11/21 | Demian Garcia Violini | COER’s 2nd Experimental Campaign at Aalborg University: Experience and Preliminary Results (restricted access) |
28/10/21 | Yerai Pena Sanchez | Hardware in the loop systems for wave energy converter control strategies validation |
21/10/21 | Edoardo Pasta | Deep Neural Network Trained to Mimic Computational Expensive Optimization-based Control: a first Application to a Pendulum Wave Energy Converter |
14/10/21 | Various | COER Q4 ’21 Workshop |
7/10/21 | Various | European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2021 – a COER review |
30/09/21 | Benjamin Bruel | A control-orientated analytical model for a cyclorotor wave energy device |
23/09/21 | Hasana Bagnall Hare | Protocol for the identification of the neural baroreflex in sheep |
16/09/21 | Matias Widmer | Small-Scale Pendulum-Type Wave Energy Converter System for Low-Power Marine Monitoring Applications |
2/9/21 | Louis Martin | Control design for a wind/wave renewable energy platform |
19/8/21 | Alice Marie | LiftWEC structural design and real-time control – internship at COER |
29/7/21 | Sandra-Carina Noble | Neuromatch Academy: Summer School on Computational Neuroscience |
22/7/21 | Gaston Vergara-Hermosilla | Some ideas about water waves – rigid body interactions |
15/7/21 | Mahdiyeh Farajvand | Quantifying hydrodynamic model uncertainty for robust control of wave energy devices |
8/7/21 | Xabier Hernandez | Development of two WEC Test-benches-Internship at COER |
1/7/21 | Thomas Kelly | A post-processing approach to irregular frequency removal in BEM results |
24/6/21 | Nicolas Faedo | Data-driven model reduction for wave energy systems: A moment-based approach |
17/6/21 | Louis Martin and Ben Bruel | An introduction to Louis Martin and Ben Bruel and their internship projects |
10/6/21 | Simon Thomas | The COERbuoy1 platform a realistic WEC model for control developers |
3/6/21 | Siyuan Zhan | Model Predictive Control for Wave Energy Converters |
27/5/21 | Facundo Mosquera | Adaptive second order sliding mode control applied to oscillating water column wave energy devices |
20/5/21 | Bingyong Guo | Levelised Cost of Energy and Claiming Expenses in MU (internal) |
13/5/21 | Iain McLeod | A Personal Introduction to Beginning my PhD in Developing a Small Scale Wave Powered Data Buoy |
6/5/21 | Jitendra Jain | An introduction |
29/4/21 | Gaurav Dhar | Self introduction and control strategies for WEC arrays |
22/4/21 | Hasana Bagnall Hare and Hafiz Ahsan Said | Spring school on data driven model learning of dynamic systems |
8/4/21 | Marco Rosati | Data-based hydrodynamic modelling of an oscillating water column device |
25/3/2021 | Demian Garcia Violini | Quantifying hydrodynamic model uncertainty for robust control of wave energy device |
18/3/2021 |
Peter Redmond
Robots: Sci-Fi to Sci-Fact |
11/3/2021 | Onno Bokhove, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds | On a novel wave-to-wire energy device in a breakwater contraction |
4/3/2021 | COER group | COER: current and upcoming projects |
25/2/2021 | Onno Bokhove, School of Mathematics, University of Leeds |
On a novel wave-to-wire energy device in a breakwater contraction |
18/2/2021 | Hafiz Ahsan Said | Intelligent control of a DC microgrid consisting of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) and Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) |
11/2/2021 | COER group | COER: current and upcoming projects |
4/2/2021 | Hasana Bagnall Hare | Determining the frequency response of the baroreflex in sheep. |
28/1/2021 | Qusai ElMoosa | Impact of nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling on geometric optimisation of a spherical heaving point absorber |
7/1/2021 | Dr. Nicolas Faedo | SPH for WEC System Modeling: State-of-the-Art and Grand Challenges |
14/1/2021 | Murat Ozbulut |
A workshop on:
Software and tools for scientific writing
21/1/2021 | Niall McLean | Wave Energy Scotland: Current Status |