Galal Uddin
PhD Studentresearcher
Md. Galal Uddin, I am graduated from Jagannath University (JU), Bangladesh with BSc. (Honours), Masters of Science (MSc) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in 2018. Currently, I am doing as a doctoral research student of civil engineering department under the College of Engineering and Informatics, NUIG. My present research project is entitled ‘Development of Marin Water Quality Index Model (WQIM) for Assessment of Water Quality in the Irish Sea’.
Development of Marin Water Quality Index Model (WQIM) for Assessment of Water Quality in the Irish Sea’. This research project widely investigates water quality parameters and interactions with other internal and external factors like as atmospheric, metrological and geo- topographical etc. The Project main goals are in the development of marine water quality index (MWQI) model for application in marine water quality assessment.
Previous Projects
Previously, I have successfully completed three research project during my MSc, M.Phil. Programme and professional carrier. There are
- Evaluation of physicochemical parameters of groundwater and surface water of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) area
- Study on the Physico Chemical properties of water of Buriganga River
- Environment-friendly clay coagulant aid for Industrial Effluent Treatment Plant
Further information about Galal can be found on Mendeley