Alen Horvat
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers UL Energy Transition
Pilot-scale pyrolysis of dairy sludge, sampling, and characterisation of pyrolysis tar.
Post Doc project – Pilot scale pyrolysis of dairy sludge, sampling, and characterisation of pyrolysis tar in the University of Limerick
Post Doc project-Hybridization of solar and biomass energy. Production of solar biofuels by biomass pyrolysis in a direct contact with solar molten salts. (University of Carlos III-Spain)
PhD project-Biomass to energy. Tar from biomass gasification process.(University of Limerick-Ireland)
International collaborations
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm
SINTEF Energy Research Institute-Norway
Masters in food processing (University of Ljubljana-Slovenia)