Gregorio Iglesias
Funded InvestigatorFunded Investigator UCC Offshore Renewable Energy
Prof Gregorio Iglesias is the Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at University College Cork and Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He holds a Marie Curie fellowship focused on the effects of wave farms on coastal processes (WaveImpact) and recently acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon (Spain).
He has participated actively in the new IEC Standards for Wave Energy Device Development (scale-model testing) and in the Spanish Standards for Maritime Works (ROM). Prof Iglesias regularly acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals and research councils, is a member of various Editorial Boards and the Subject Editor of Energy (Elsevier) for wave, tidal and hydropower. He has secured over €12M research income as Principal Investigator, published over 100 journal papers, and recently co-edited a book on ocean energy: Wave and Tidal Energy (Wiley). With over 4000 citations, his h-index is 35.