MaREI ESRI Climate & Energy Policy Research Seminar
If you missed this seminar you can watch the recording below
MaREI’s 9th Annual Energy and Climate Policy Research Seminar will take place May 20th as a webinar and it builds upon a strong history of collaboration between UCC and the ESRI whilst also celebrating the ESRI becoming a MaREI partner institution in 2019.
An excellent line up of speakers and moderators includes a Keynote Address from Dr. Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeller at the International Energy Agency on aligning the post-pandemic recovery with the clean energy transition.
This morning event comprises three one hour sessions focusing on :
- Impacts of coronavirus pandemic on the economy, energy and emissions
- Moving to net-zero GHG Emissions by 2050
- Climate Action, citizens, communities and infrastructure
This event builds on the successful annual ESRI-UCC seminars on energy and climate policy research that we have run for the past eight years. The format deliberately focuses on policy insights more so than research methods.
Register here
9.30am-1pm May 20th 2020
Webinar Programme
Opening address: Prof. Alan Barrett (Director of the ESRI) & Prof. Anita Maguire (Vice-President of Research & Innovation in University College of Cork)
Session 1: Impacts of coronavirus pandemic on economy, energy and emissions
Moderator: Dr. Eimear Cotter, Director, EPA
Keynote Address: “Post pandemic recovery and the clean energy transition”: Dr. Laura Cozzi (IEA)
Estimating the economic consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic: Prof. Kieran McQuinn (ESRI)
Impact of pandemic on Ireland’s CO2 emissions: Dr. Paul Deane (UCC)
Session 2: Moving to net-zero emissions by 2050
Moderator: Marie Donnelly, Chair, Renewable Energy Ireland
Should we aim for zero CO2 or 100% RES? Dr. Fionn Rogan (UCC)
The story of hydrogen: Dr. Rory Monaghan (NUIG)
Measures in agriculture: Prof. Alan Matthews (TCD)
Session 3: Climate action, citizens, communities and infrastructure
Moderator: Caroline Spillane, Director General, Engineers Ireland
Reducing household emissions with gas: who, when and how? Dr. Gianluca Grilli (ESRI)
Dingle Peninsula 2030 – Rural community transition: Prof. Brian Ó’Gallachóir (UCC)
Public acceptance of low carbon infrastructure: Prof. John Curtis (ESRI)