Asma Khatoon
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers University of Galway Energy Transition, Climate Action Observation & Operations
Asma is a Post Doctoral Researcher working with Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Centre for Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) and National University of Ireland Galway. She has worked with University College Dublin and Insight Centre for Data Analytics. Asma has been awarded with the Irish Research Council fellowship and has experienced working on different projects funded by IRC, Science foundation Ireland (SFI) and Enterprise Ireland. She has vast experience working in the Consumer Electronics industry. Her research interest includes, CE Devices, Internet of Things, Embedded systems, Energy Systems, E-Health, AI, Computer Vision, Machine learning and Blockchain technology. She is interested in observation and modelling of atmospheric composition, air pollutants, essential climate variables and meteorology. Her current focus is air quality/atmospheric composition forecasting and realtime data system designing to monitor, observe and forecast Air Pollution.
Asma has served on scientific committees for leading journals and conferences in her field. She is a technical program committee member and reviewer board member for Springer Nature, MDPI and IEEE. She is also a member of the scientific committee for reputed international conferences.
High-Resolution Marine Meteorology Observation and Forecasting: Remote Sensing, Modelling, Data Assimilation and Integration.