Michael O’Shea
LecturerResearchers UCC Blue Economy Offshore Renewable Energy
Michael O’Shea is a lecturer in Structural Engineering at University College Cork and a Researcher at the Science Foundation Ireland MaREI Centre. He has published over 15 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and was recently awarded the EU Atlantic Strategy Award for his research on Offshore Renewable Energy.
Michael is a Principal Investigator on several research projects including the 15 million Horizon Europefunded WEDUSEA project focussed on full-scale wave energy device deployment and GSI funded GEOBim project focussed on BIM integrated structural health monitoring of historic infrastructure. He has recently registered two inventions relating to subsea superconductor test rig design emanating from the joint MaREI/industry Supernode project. Dr O’Shea is currently supervising PhD students in Seabed Dynamics, Coastal Engineering, Structural health monitoring and Subsea superconduct. He previously managed the H2020 Marinet2 project, the SFI/Industry funded SuperNode project. the SEAI funded OARPS project and the GSI funded GEOBIM project.
A graduate of UCC’s Civil and Environmental Engineering degree (2005), he has over 15 years’ experience in coastal, civil and offshore engineering. During his career, Michael has led a range of projects including wave, tidal and floating wind energy device testing, coastal sediment transport assessments and hydraulic modelling. He has published peer reviewed research on wave modelling, coastal processes, wave signal analysis and sediment transport. He is a committee member in the National Standards Authority of Ireland on Wave Energy and Building Information Modelling. He is a reviewer for Journal of Coastal Research and Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.