Irish Climate Summit 2021
The Irish Climate Summit comes at a pivotal juncture and will examine the latest ambitions, challenges and opportunities of Ireland’s response to the climate crisis.
Topics covered in the summit programme will include: National climate objectives, Stronger climate governance, Youth climate activism in Ireland, The European Commission’s first European Climate Law, An enhanced role for the Climate Change Advisory Council, Work of the Oireachtas Climate Action Committee, Promoting environmental awareness, Investing in net-zero climate solutions, Just transition and climate justice, Climate leaders’ debate, The role of local government in responding to climate change, Community-led transitioning to a low-carbon future, Covid-19, emissions, and air quality and International climate politics.
The event will take place on Thursday 29 April and the speakers include MaREI Director Brian Ó Gallachoir on the panel discussing Quantifying carbon budgets: From climate ambition to climate action.