Three Minute Thesis

The inaugural in house UCC ‘Thesis in Three Minutes’ competition will be held in 2023. The competition will support doctoral students to develop as confident research communicators. Doctoral students are asked to present their research using one slide taking a maximum of three minutes. The aim of the presentation is to communicate research to a diverse audience.

Only entries submitted through the Three Minute Thesis submission form are accepted.


  • Presentations are limited to 3 minutes and entries exceeding 3 minutes are invalid.
  • A single static slide is permitted (no slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description).
  • A video accompanied by audio should be submitted (audio and video in one file).
  • The presentation should be continuous (ie. one take, no editing).
  • The video timing commences when the candidate starts speaking.

The competition deadline is 5pm on 15 September 2023.

Learn more here.