TRANSLATE: One Climate Resource for Ireland

The TRANSLATE project is a Met Éireann lead initiative to standardise future climate projections for Ireland and develop climate services that meet the climate information needs of decision makers. It is a collaborative effort led by climate researchers from University of Galway – Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC), and University College Cork – SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine (MaREI), supported by Met Éireann climatologists. TRANSLATE focuses on reviewing existing climate models to produce a national set of standardised climate projections. Climate services are then developed from these standardised climate projections to aid climate risk decision making across multiple sectors (for example, transport, energy, water). Climate services can be described as a set of services that communicate climate science data/information into products (for example, indices, risk assessments, uncertainty estimates) tailored to meet climate sensitive decision makers.

The full TRANSLATE report can be accessed here: TRANSLATE Report.

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Feature Project


TRANSLATE aims to develop a defined set of standards for developing climate projections for Ireland

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