Why the Celtic interconnector is about more than just electricity

New analysis from MaREI’s Evan Boyle, Alexandra Revez and Brian Ó Gallachóir from University College Cork says that the Celtic Interconnector will be a key physical manifestation of the importance of Ireland’s post-Brexit ties with continental Europe in an article for RTE’s Brainstorm.

In recent years, the strengthening of Franco-Irish relations in a post-Brexit context has been evident through political, diplomatic and trade developments. One key manifestation of these improved relations, both physically and symbolically, is the Celtic Interconnector, Ireland’s first direct electricity interconnection with continental Europe.

This 500km underwater electricity cable between Cork and Brittany began construction in November 2023 and electricity flows are expected to begin in 2026. The 700 megawatt cable will move electricity bidirectionally across the Celtic Sea, providing a key contribution to Ireland’s security of electricity supply through a direct link to continental Europe.

Read the full article here.


Irish and French researchers come together to discuss shared energy opportunities of Celtic Interconnector

French researchers and policy makers came together with University College Cork (UCC) researchers to discuss the opportunities that the planned Celtic Interconnector project will bring.

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