Niloufar Hasanpour Seyedlar
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student UCC Energy Transition Advanced Fuels in the Circular Economy
Niloufar is a PhD student at MaREI, working on the CABBBIE (Cascading Biomethane Biochemicals and Biofertiliser Systems for a Circular Bioeconomy in Ireland) project. Her research focuses on developing bioeconomy business models, policies, and a roadmap for the replication of AD/biorefinery systems across various territorial contexts in Ireland.
Niloufar is focused on analyzing the social acceptance of anaerobic digestion plants, assessing the willingness to invest, and designing policies for the replication of AD/biorefinery systems across Ireland.
Niloufar received her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and a master’s degree in Biochemical Engineering from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. During her master’s program, she focused on optimizing the operational parameters of a full-scale anaerobic digester and in-situ mitigation of H₂S in the anaerobic digestion process. After graduation, she worked for six years as a process engineer, project engineer, and project manager in companies specializing in water and wastewater treatment plants.