10 Most Significant Publications: 2019-2021
The Energy Transition
- Paper
Title: An Energy-Maximising Linear Time-Invariant Controller (LiTe-Con) for Wave
Energy Devices
Authors: Garcia-Violini*, D., Pena-Sanchez, Y.*, Faedo, N.* and Ringwood, J.V.*
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Sust. Energy, Vol.11, No.4, 2020 [Impact Factor: 7.44]
This paper develops a new methodology for energy-maximising control of wave
energy converters. It combines computation simplicity with broadband capability,
covering devices operating in real irregular waves. Optimisation of the system
frequency response is achieved right across the wave spectrum whereas, previously,
complex conjugate controllers could only achieve optimal behaviour at a single
characteristic frequency. Crucially, the method also acknowledges real power take off constraints, retaining safe behaviour across all operating conditions. - Paper
Title: A Copper Silicide Nanofoam Current Collector for Directly Grown Si Nanowire
Networks and their Application as Lithium-Ion Anodes
Authors: Aminu, I.S., Geaney, H., Imtiaz, S.….Collins, G.A., Ryan, K.M*
Journal: Advanced Functional Materials (2020) [Impact Factor: 16.84
This paper addresses a route to dramatically increase the areal loading of silicon
nanowires in Lithium-ion batteries by forming a porous current collector of copper
silicide and using this as a substrate for wire growth. As silicon has capacities ten times
that of graphite, integration of silicon into lithium-ion cells will dramatically improve
performance. The low areal loading of nanowires, which was previously a significant
bottle-neck, is addressed through this work. - Paper
Title: Improving Gaseous Biofuel Yield from Seaweed through a Cascading Circular
Bioenergy System Integrating Anaerobic Digestion and Pyrolysis
Authors: Deng, C.*, Lin, R.*, Kang, X.*, Wu, B.*, O’Shea, R.*, Murphy, J.D.*
Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews [Impact Factor: 12.11]
This paper presents an integrated narrative on seaweed biofuel and direct
interspecies electron transfer for the first time, proposing a cascading circular
bioenergy system. The feasibility of the proposed system was demonstrated by
integrating a seaweed-based AD and a residue-based pyrolysis system. This showed
that biochar achieved comparable performances to high-cost graphene in enhancing
biomethane production from seaweed. Optimal biochar increased biomethane yield
by 17% and peak production rate by 29% with common kelp, and biomethane yield
increased by 16% with sugar kelp. Analysis indicated that optimal process integration
could facilitate combustion of syngas and surplus biochar to fulfil heat demand for
the system, increase biomethane yield by 17%, bio-oil yield by 10%, and reduce the
mass flow of digestate by 26%, thereby reducing agricultural land-take for application.
- Paper
Title: Public Acceptance of Renewable Electricity Generation and Transmission
Network Developments: Insights from Ireland
Authors: M.T. Koecklin, G. Longoria, D.Z. Fitiwi, J.F. DeCarolis, J. Curtis*
Journal: Energy Policy, Volume 151 (2021) [Impact Factor: 5.04]
This paper analyses the effects of attitudes towards onshore wind power and
overhead transmission lines on development of electricity generation mixes under a
high RE policy. A power-systems planning model is used, combined with a novel
modelling constraint on public acceptance. Least-cost solutions increase by as much
as 33% compared to a base case where public acceptance of energy infrastructure is
excluded. In the most extreme public acceptance scenario, the greatest share of
additional costs (>80%) is related to lost load, while additional investment and
operational costs associated with public acceptance constraints for new energy
infrastructure are between 5–6% of base case costs. The results highlight the
challenge for power systems relative to public preference for new infrastructure. - Paper
Title: Strengthening the EU Response to Energy Poverty
Authors: Audrey Dobbins, Francesco Fuso Nerini, Paul Deane*, Steve Pye*
Journal: Nature Energy Volume 4, Pages 2–5 (2019) [Impact Factor: 54.0]
The extent of energy poverty in the EU is described, demonstrating how policymakers
can strengthen their response. It reveals that energy poverty was not recognized in
legislation until 2009, and that responses have been inadequate and fragmented. It
proposes four key actions: firstly prescriptive measures, encompassing financial
support, disconnection safeguards, consumer engagement, and efficiency; secondly,
an energy poverty definition to develop a common basis for action; thirdly, gathering
of additional data, including detail on building stock related income and energy
consumption and higher resolution on affordability; finally, strategic coordination
across social, consumer and energy policy, given its multidimensional nature.
Climate Action
- Paper
Title: A generalisable bottom-up methodology for deriving a residential stock model
from large empirical databases”
Authors: Ciara Ahern*, Brian Norton*
Journal: Energy and Buildings, Volume 215, 2020 [Impact Factor: 4.87]
Reference dwellings representing a predominant housing typology are defined in this
work. The use of inappropriate default-values for the building envelope thermal
transmittance coefficients (U-values) and standardised thermal bridging
transmittance coefficients (Y-values) in the production of Energy Performance
Certificates (EPCs) leads to an over-estimation of energy savings in existing dwellings.
A methodology is presented for simplified default-free inputs to a bottom-up
residential cost-optimality energy consumption model from an EPC dataset. Use of
reference dwellings enables quantification of (i) energy saving potential of a
predominant housing typology, (ii) effect of default U-value and standardised Y-value
use on the prebound effect (iii) overall national building energy consumption. - Paper
Title: Wintertime Aerosol Dominated by Solid-Fuel-Burning Emissions across Ireland:
Insight into the Spatial and Chemical Variation in Submicron Aerosol
Authors: Lin, C., Ceburnis, D., Huang, R., Xu, W., Spohn, T., Martin, D., Buckley, P.,
Wenger, J., Hellebust, S., Rinaldi, M., Facchini, M., O’Dowd, C.*, and Ovadnevaite, J.*
Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19, 14091-14106 [Impact Factor: 5.7]
To gain insight into the spatial and chemical variation in submicron aerosol, a
nationwide characterization of wintertime PM1 was performed using an aerosol
chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) and aethalometer at four sites. This source
apportionment study highlights the large contribution of residential solid fuel burning
to urban air pollution and identifies sources for air quality improvements. It also
shows that rural and coastal areas are dominated by secondary aerosol from regional
transport, which is difficult to tackle. Detailed characterization of spatial and chemical
variations in submicron aerosol in this region has significant implications for air
quality policies and mitigation, as well as for regional-transport aerosol modelling.
The Blue Economy
- Paper
Title: A return to the tragedy of the commons? Brexit trade-offs and spatial analysis,
an Irish perspective
Authors: O’Higgins, T.* and O’Hagan, A.M.*
Journal: Marine Policy, 106 [Impact Factor: 2.9]
Fisheries have been prominent and emotive in the debate over Brexit. Consequently,
reliable and impartial information are hard to obtain. We examined the spatial
distribution of fishing for two of the most lucrative fisheries in the waters around
Ireland, those for Dublin Bay Prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) in the Irish Sea and
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) off the west coast of Ireland to understand flows of
benefits from Irish waters to the UK, and vice versa. Considerable flows exist in both
directions, but overall net flows of benefits for these fisheries was between €1.2m-
€1.8m. Whilst these may be locally significant, they make up a tiny fraction of overall
food and drink exports from Ireland to the UK (€4.4bn). We argue that continued
transboundary management is essential for protecting these vital resources
- Paper
Title: Large Nearshore Storm Waves off the Irish Coast
Authors: Fedele, F., Herterich, J., Tayfun, A., Dias, F.*
Journal: Scientific Reports, 9 [Impact Factor: 4.0]
This paper presents a statistical analysis of nearshore waves observed during two
major North–East Atlantic storms in 2015 and 2017. Surface elevations were
measured with a 5-beam acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) at relatively
shallow waters off the west coast of Ireland. To compensate for the significant
variability of both sea states in time, we consider a novel approach for non-stationary
surface-elevation series and compare distributions of crest and wave heights
observed with theoretical predictions. We show that they also describe well the
characteristics of waves observed in shallow waters. Our analysis reveals that
modulational instabilities are ineffective, third-order resonances negligible and the
largest waves observed have characteristics similar to those displayed by rogue waves - Paper
Title: Assessing the Effectiveness of Foraging Radius Models for Seabird Distributions
using Biotelemetry and Survey Data
Authors: E. J. Critchley*, W. J. Grecian, A. Bennison*, A. Kane, S. Wischnewski, A.
Cañadas, D. Tierney, J. L. Quinn, M. J. Jessopp*
Journal: Ecography, 43: 184-196 [Impact Factor: 6.46]
Determining the impacts of offshore development requires an understanding of the
distribution of sensitive marine species. However extensive surveys and biotelemetry
approaches are expensive and logistically difficult. This paper is significant as it
explicitly tests the correlation between aerial surveys, GPS animal tracking studies,
and desk-based methods of predicting at-sea distribution of seabirds, a group of high
conservation concern experiencing global declines. The simple method correlated
reasonably well with aerial surveys and seabird tracking studies, making it a useful
approach for assessing breeding distributions for seabird species. This paper will be
of significant use to industry in identifying areas of concern prior to undertaking
expensive baseline surveys and enabling better siting decisions and mitigation