Ash Bennison and Cian Luck Podcast On The Life Of Marine Ecologists
This episode of the <em><strong>That’s What She Said Podcast</strong></em> features Ashley Bennison and Cian Luck, two marine ecologists from the Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy, Cork, Ireland.
Ash gained his MSc in Evolutionary Ecology at the University of Exeter and after working with Siberian Jays in Swedish Lapland, moved to UCC where he has been a researcher for the past 3 years and is currently studying for his PhD in seabird ecology.
Cian graduated from UCC in 2012 with a BSc in Zoology, and again in 2013 with an MSc by research. He has spent 18 months as a zoological field assistant with the British Antarctic Survey on Bird Island, South Georgia. We speak of the enchanting life of researchers on expeditions, the difference between grey seals + harbour seals, the sedate creatures who reside in the Galapagos, the stress of cooking for strangers and much much more. All in all, our self proclaimed ‘bird nerds’ take us on a flight so compelling that we wanted more.
The hour features music from Bjork, Fleetwood Mac and Stornaway.