Atlantic & Arctic Lighthouse Weekly Hour with PREP4BLUE
PREP4BLUE is the first project funded under the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 (Mission Ocean). Starting in 2022, it is preparing the ground for the involvement of European citizens and stakeholders in the Mission. It is doing this by developing the tools, methods and structures that can be used by other projects to help them work towards the Mission’s objectives of restoring ecosystems, eliminating pollution, and making the blue economy carbon neutral and circular. This presentation will provide a summary of the solutions provided by the project so far and will give details of the project’s upcoming events, networking opportunities, and outputs that will be useful to the Mission Ocean community.
The presentation will also discuss Mission Ocean itself – a novel R&I, but also sociopolitical endeavour. What does this new landscape mean for European citizens, community, policymakers, and for all those working on the Mission to achieve its success? PREP4BLUE is a €4.9 million, three-year project that will set the foundations for co-creating and implementing the research and innovation required to achieve.
PREP4BLUE’s overarching objective is to facilitate a successful first phase (2022-2025) of Mission Ocean, preparing the ground for inspiring and engaging citizens and stakeholders.