CETUS Update
The CETUS team has been busy acoustic tagging dogfish (small spotted catshark) over in Arklow to study potential reef effects created by Ireland’s only existing offshore wind site. Our current understanding of how sharks interact with offshore wind farms is very limited. However, fixed bottom turbines can introduce potential structures and habitat for dogfish prey such as crabs. We have acoustic tagged 25 dogfish so far, and over the next few years we hope to test this theory by tracking movements of dogfish across the current turbine site and neighbouring areas.
Arklow is a challenging site with large volumes of suspended sand in the water column, shallow banks, and strong tides Huge thanks to the experienced skippers Kit Dunne and Anthony Rice of Wicklow Boat charters for facilitating this work.
The CETUS dogfish work is supported by Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UCC, MaREI Centre and ERI. Partnered with Inland Fisheries Ireland. Facilitated by Wicklow Boat Charters. Funded by SEAI.