Credence Showcase Event: June 29th
If you missed the event you can watch the recording below:
The CREDENCE project Showcase Event will share some of the research, insights, impacts and outcomes of the 1st US-Ireland Centre to Centre research project focusing on environment and sustainability.
The event will take place on the 29th of June 2021 at 14.15 and will run until 16.50 (BST).
Follow the link to register for the event.
Click Event Flyer here for the Event Flyer.
Or download the Showcase Event Booklet here.
Key Points:
– The US and Ireland have set very ambitious emissions reduction targets over the next 10-15 years to address climate change.
– The US-Ireland partnership programme supports the CREDENCE research project to generate new knowledge that directly supports these policy ambitions.
– We have analyzed carbon emissions reductions in both the US and Ireland through increased renewable energy deployment and electrification of heat and transport.
– The impacts of CREDENCE are clearly visible through the policy support we are providing to the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications in revising Ireland’s Climate Action Plan.
– CREDENCE is also supporting industry e.g. Electric Power Research Institute launching their European Headquarters in Dublin.
– CREDENCE is empowering society, for example through the Dingle Peninsula 2030 projects that combines rural development with climate action.
– CREDENCE (Collaborative REsearch of Decentralization, ElectrificatioN, Communications and Economics) explores two key dimensions of the shift to a renewable-based energy system, namely how much of our future heat and transport energy needs will be met with electricity? and what are the optimal levels of decentralization for future energy systems?
Register for the event HERE
Joseph DeCarolis, Associate Professor, FREEDM / NC State University
Joe DeCarolis is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering at North Carolina State University. His research program is focused on addressing energy and environmental challenges at the intersection of engineering, economics, and public policy. His primary focus is on the development and application of energy system models to analyze how energy technology and public policy can shape a sustainable future. With regard to energy modeling, he is particularly interested in the development and utilization of open source software to maximize model transparency as well as the use of high performance computing to conduct rigorous uncertainty analysis. Joe has a PhD in engineering and public policy from Carnegie Mellon University.
Aoife Foley, Reader, School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Aoife Foley is a Reader in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering in Queen’s University Belfast and Editor in Chief of Elsevier’s Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, the leading journal in the world in the field of sustainable energy in Google Scholar. She also sits on the editorial boards of a number of other major journals. Dr Foley has rapidly gained a leading international profile in sustainable energy systems, since joining academia in 2009, initially as a Lecturer in University College Cork, before joining Queen’s in 2011. She has successfully accessed highly competitive national, international and industry funding totalling £2.4M. Prior to joining academia, she spent 12 years in senior project management roles in industry working in the energy, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals sectors.
David Laverty, Senior Lecturer, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Laverty joined the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science as a lecture in 2011. His research interests include anti-islanding protection for renewable generation and Smart Grid telecommunications infrastructure. He is the founder of the OpenPMU project for the development of open source phasor measurement unit (PMU) technology which has been presented before the IEEE PES. David teaches Energy Systems and Smart Grid and has a keen interest in the promotion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education. He gives public talks to local professional, educational and charitable groups on topics including Renewable Energy and the technology behind household electronics.
John Curtis, Programme Coordinator, MAREI / ESRI
Prof John Curtis is head of the economics division at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and its programme coordinator for energy and environment research. He is an Independent Expert member on the Advisory Board of the Irish Government’s Climate Action Fund. John is an applied micro-economist and his research focuses on energy and environmental policy issues, including on topics related to residential energy efficiency, renewables integration, and behavioural change across energy, climate and water. John holds undergraduate and masters degrees from University College Dublin and a PhD from the University of Maryland.
Brian Ó Gallachóir, MaREI Centre Director
Prof Brian Ó Gallachóir is Professor of Energy Engineering in University College Cork and Vice Director of UCC’s Environmental Research Institute. He is also Director of the SFI MaREI Centre, Ireland’s centre of excellence in energy, climate, and marine research. MaREI is a €60M, research development and innovation hub with over 220 researchers and 70 industry partners. Brian is also elected Chair of IEA’s Technology Collaboration Programme on energy systems modelling (IEA-ETSAP). His research focus is on building and using integrated energy systems models to inform energy and climate change mitigation policy. His research has informed a number of Irish energy and climate policies and the increase in EU renewable energy ambition to 32% by 2030. Brian has a first class honours BSc Degree in Applied Sciences from Trinity College Dublin.
Dan Mulhall, Ambassador of Ireland to the United States
Daniel Mulhall took up duty as Ireland’s 18th Ambassador to the United States in August 2017. He was born and brought up in Waterford and undertook his undergraduate and post-graduate studies at University College Cork where he specialised in modern Irish history. Before coming to Washington, Dan served as Ireland’s Ambassador in London (2013-17). During his time in Britain, he was a regular speaker on political, literary and historical topics at Universities all over the country. Before departing for Washington, he was made a Freeman of the City of London in recognition of his work as Ambassador. During his diplomatic career, Ambassador Mulhall has also held a number of positions at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, including as Director-General for European Affairs, 2005-2009. He also served as a member of the Secretariat of the Forum for Peace and Reconciliation (1994-95) which was set up in 1994 in order to promote political dialogue between different political traditions in Ireland. From 1994-98, he was the Department’s Press Counsellor and in that capacity was part of the Irish Government’s delegation at the time of the Good Friday Agreement 1998.
Ruth Freeman, Director of Science for Society, Science Foundation Ireland
Dr Freeman was appointed Director of Strategy and Communications in 2013, and following department restructure in 2018, became Director of Science for Society. Prior to her current appointment Ruth has held a series of positions at Science Foundation Ireland, including Director of Innovation, Communications & Education and Director of Programmes, Enterprise and International Affairs, with responsibility for overseeing all Science Foundation Ireland research funding programmes and management of funded awards, as well as the Foundation’s activities in conjunction with industry and international partners. Ruth joined Science Foundation Ireland as a Scientific Programme Manager in November 2006. Prior to joining the Foundation, Ruth worked as a researcher at Trinity College Dublin (TCD). She holds PhD and Bachelor degrees in Genetics from TCD, where she was awarded a Trinity scholarship, the Eli Lilly Chemistry Prize and the Roberts prize for Biology.
Roxanne Nikolaus, Lead, Countries and Regions Cluster Office of International Science and Engineering / Office of the Director National Science Foundation
Roxanne Nikolaus joined the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) in 2017. She came to OISE from the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences where she was the Senior Policy Advisor for NSF leadership on ocean issues and Chief of Staff for the Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology under the White House National Science and Technology Council. Roxanne also worked at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy where she focused on implementing policy across the U.S. Federal government. Prior to joining NSF, Roxanne was a technical and policy advisor to the Presidentially-appointed U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and to leadership of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Ocean Service. Roxanne has degrees in oceanography from Florida Institute of Technology and Texas A&M University, and marine affairs/policy from the University of Miami.
Stephen McGonagle, Head of Energy Intelligence, Department for the Economy NI
Stephen McGonagle is Head of Energy Intelligence Branch within the Energy Group, Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland. He took up post 15 months ago having previously been a statisticians with the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (NISRA) for 17 years. He has developed a Northern Ireland Energy Transition Model (NI ETM) to create future energy scenarios in support of policy development associated with a new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland. He leads on strategic research for the Energy Group. Stephen has a BComm from University College Dublin; MSc in Finance from University of Ulster and MRes in Social Research Methods from Queens University Belfast.
Angelina LaRose, Assistant Administrator for Energy Analysis, Energy Information Administration
Angelina LaRose is the Assistant Administrator for Energy Analysis. In this role, Angelina directs EIA’s energy modeling program, which support EIA’s forecasts and projections. Angelina also manages the topical analyses that EIA produces that span a range of fuels and activities. Angelina has worked in support of EIA’s mission for nearly 20 years. From 2016 to 2019, Angelina was the Director of the Office of Integrated and International Energy Analysis. In that role, she was responsible for the integration of analysis and modelling for EIA’s long-term domestic and international projections, as well as short-term forecasts. In addition, her office produced EIA’s country-level analysis and international energy statistics. Prior to serving in that role, Angelina led EIA’s natural gas analysis. Before she worked at EIA, she worked as a senior energy analyst at a private consulting firm. Angelina earned her Masters of Business Administration with a finance concentration and Bachelors of Government and Politics from the University of Maryland, College Park.
Brian Carroll, Assistant Secretary General (Climate Action & Environment), Dept. of Environment, Climate & Communications
Brian Carroll is the Assistant Secretary General leading the Environment and Climate functions at the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, and is responsible for policy and programme development in both sectors. Currently Brian is leading on the preparation of the Climate Action Plan 2021 and a Clean Air Strategy, as well as overseeing the Climate Bill which is going through the legislative process in the Oireachtas. He also represents Ireland at Director General level at the EU and UN in relation to environment and climate. Previously Brian has served in the Department as Assistant Secretary General for Natural Resources, as well as Head of Renewable Energy and Head of Finance and Strategy. Brian has also worked in the Departments of Finance; Foreign Affairs; and Justice, and holds degrees in commerce and business studies (NUI – Dublin); economics (TCD and NUI – IPA); and anthropology (DBS).