Energy Management
MaREl’s capabilities in the area of ‘Renewable Energy Management’ focus on the optimisation of energy usage and processes on the demand side to better match renewable energy production and consumption, with a particular focus on industrial applications. This covers aspects such as energy integration and battery storage (thermal, chemical), and the optimisation of processes using energy consumption data and optimised analysis techniques. MaREl’s ‘Intelligent Efficiency’ capabilities focus on the minimisation of areas of inefficiency across energy systems using fault detection and diagnostics, and through the integration of different data sources. The integration, storage and management of renewable energy has significant potential for enabling end users, including larger multinational companies, to meet their corporate targets for reduced CO2 emissions, while the integration of energy data with production data in the manufacturing sector has the potential for greatly increased efficiencies. Further information relating to MaREl’s ‘Renewable Energy Management’ expertise is available by clicking on our ‘areas of expertise’ below.