Energy Resilience in the Built Environment Centre for Doctoral Training (ERBE CDT) – Call for Project Proposals for 2021 Cohort. Deadline Friday 8th January 2021
The ‘Energy Resilience in the Built Environment’ (ERBE) CDT represents an exciting partnership between MaREI (Ireland), University College London (UK), and the University of Loughborough (UK) that is funded through the SFI-EPSRC ‘Centres for Doctoral Training’ (CDT) Programme. The CDT will provide students with a deep understanding of buildings, low and zero carbon technologies and the socio-technical context.
We are currently seeking proposals for PhD Projects for the 2021 cohort of ERBE students.
The proposal must clearly demonstrate alignment to one or more of the ERBE Themes; Flexibility & Resilience, Technology & System Performance and Comfort, Health & Well-being. Furthermore, the strengths that MaREI brings to the CDT in addition to research strength in buildings, are world-class expertise in renewable and industrial energy and an energy systems perspective. Further information on ERBE and the Project Areas can be found here: https://erbecdt.ac.uk/
Please use the template below to submit your project proposal to Aoife Dunne, ERBE CDT Programme Manager to ei.ccu@ennud.efioa by Friday 8th January 2021. The Call for Students will open on 18th January 2021 with the aim of having all 2021 ERBE students in place for September 2021.
Please note that all ERBE CDT Supervisors must meet the Funded Investigator (FI) criteria as outlined by SFI prior to allocation of budgets. If you are not already an SFI approved FI then this process must be completed before budgets are released to your institution.