ENTYRE Project Survey

End-of-life tyres (ELT) have been emerging as a global problem with each passing year. In the past, these were sent to landfill, recycled as infill material for sports pitches, arenas, playgrounds etc., or exported to, predominantly Asian, countries where they were burned for fuel.

The ENTYRE project would love to hear your opinion on valorising ELTs for a sustainable circular economy through a short online survey.

However, EU regulations have banned landfilling of tyres as they leach toxins into soils, provide breeding grounds for pests, and take up a significant amount of space. The microplastic ban states they cannot be used as infill going forward, and to create a circular economy, ban on exports outside the EU are being considered a well. This project Mapping the Role of End-of-Life Tyres for a Sustainable Circular Economy in Ireland (ENTYRE), funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ireland will provide a comprehensive review of the various methods and technologies associated with waste tyre management, including energy recovery, civil engineering applications, and devulcanisation. After in-depth research and stakeholder consultation, a Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) tool will rank the various options for End-of-Life tyres (ELT), outlining the most economically and environmentally sensible waste tyre management plan.For further insight into this societal challange and our approach to identify potential solutions please refer to our RTE brainstrom article What will Ireland do with 63,000 tonnes of used tyres every year?

This survey has been designed to better understand stakeholders’ perception on various factors like technical feasibility, policy compliance, environmental impact, and economic sensibility whilst setting up an ELT valorisation facility. This understanding will in turn be used to perform a multi-criteria decision analysis to determine the optimal pathway of valorising ELTs in a local context.

This survey has obtained ethical approval from the UCC Social Research Ethics Committee. More information regarding the survey is avaliable in the next page.

For any queries about this research, please contact the project team:

Dr Archishman Bose (Project co-ordinator) – Email: ei.ccu@esob.namhsihcra
Dr Gillian Collins (Co-PI) – Email: ei.ccu@snilloc.naillig
Dr Richard O’Shea (Co-PI) – Email: ei.ccu@aehso.drahcir
Dr Soumitra Pati (Post-doctoral researcher) – Email: ei.ccu@itaps

Complete the survey here.

Feature Project


ENTYRE is aimed at performing a deep review of existing practices and literature regarding utilisation pathways of waste EOL tyres in terms of their techno-economic and environmental impacts as well as from the light of current and upcoming local (Irish) and international (EU) policies.

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