IDEA-IRL Podcast – Offshore Site Investigations and Supply Chain

The IDEA Ireland project podcast series looks at the offshore wind farm industry, featuring experts on key aspects of the design and operation of a floating offshore wind farm. Through the series, you will get an overview of the industry, the stakeholders involved in developing a floating wind farm, and the opportunities and challenges that floating wind presents.

In this episode, MaREI’s Mitra Kami Delivand is joined by is Eoin Cotter, Head of Business Development at Green Rebel, a Cork-based company that provides marine surveys, data and technology services to the offshore wind sector. We her about the supply chain in Ireland and how Ireland is, to quote Eoin: the Saudi Arabia of Ireland when it comes to offshore wind energy.

Listen here.

The podcast is brought to you by a collection of industry experts, University College Cork (UCC), Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions (GDG) and Wind Energy Ireland (WEI) are working alongside an International Energy Association (IEA) Wind Energy task 49 to develop Integrated Designs for Floating Offshore Wind Farms (IDEA).

The IDEA-IRL project is funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI).

Feature Project


This project will fund Ireland’s contribution to the IEA Wind Task 49 as well as facilitate research into FOWA opportunities specific to Ireland.

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