Inviting interdisciplinary insights to explore Interconnectors – Bringing into focus the Celtic Interconnector
Date: May 16, from 10:30 to 15:30 GMT
Location: Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, UCC
The Celtic interconnector is expected to bring multiple benefits to Ireland and France linked to facilitating progress toward a low-carbon electricity mix. It is the first interconnector from Ireland to mainland Europe. Besides more direct benefits associated with the expansion of the energy grid, there are further opportunities and challenges which can be explored by connecting with ideas around social and technological change. These may relate, for example, to identifying priorities around sustainability, socio-economic opportunities, and leveraging the potential of the interconnector for cultural exchange between the communities in Brittany and Cork.
Interdisciplinarity and SSH Perspectives are Vital to Explore New Opportunities
Despite the critical importance of delivering a more flexible and resilient energy transmission grid infrastructure across Europe, research addressing this issue has focused mainly on understanding the technical and economic implications of Interconnectors. There are many unexplored opportunities and challenges in this space, including low public awareness of interconnector projects. Inviting Interdisciplinarity and Social Science and Humanities (SSH) insights is critical to learning about interconnectors from broader contexts and capturing local community insights.
Exploring research priorities and finding synergies
We aim to open and widen networks and spaces for societal engagement with the Celtic Interconnector. This is a timely opportunity to identify new horizons in a field of research that can benefit from greater cross-disciplinary exchange. We hope to:
Initiate interdisciplinary communication and collaboration.
Draft a perspectives paper on future research horizons drawing from interdisciplinary and SSH expertise.
Engage with relevant research about Interconnectors and grid expansion from a socio-technical perspective.
Open Space Workshop Environment
The workshop adopts an open space approach, drawing on principles of observation, co-creation, dialogue, contextual learning, and multidisciplinary exchange. It builds upon a parallel workshop help in Paris with our French academic partners on 10th April 2024.
More information and Contact Details
The team from the STEPS project in MaREI based in University College Cork is seeking submissions of interest for attendance at the workshop. Register here.
For further details contact:
Prof. Brian Ó Gallachóir, Associate Vice President of Sustainability E: ei.ccu@riohcallago.b
Dr Evan Boyle, Post-Doctoral Researcher E: ei.ccu@elyob.nave