MaREI Director Brian Ó Gallachóir passes scientific milestone

MaREI Director Brian Ó Gallachóir’s scientific publications have now been cited more than 10,000 times. Citations are one of many metrics for scientific excellence, they provide an important indication of how useful your peers globally value your research.
You can view Brian’s publications on Research Gate and Google Scholar.
Brian Ó Gallachóir is Associate Vice-President of Sustainability at University College Cork, delivering on UCC’s ambitious plans to consolidate its role as a leading university of sustainability. Brian is also Director of UCC’s Environmental Research Institute, Professor of Sustainability and Director of UCC Futures Sustainability, overseeing the strategic direction of research in sustainability in UCC. In addition, Brian is Director of MaREI, the €65 million SFI Research Centre for Energy Climate and Marine and Director of ERBE, the EPSRC-SFI centre for doctoral training in energy resilience in the built environment. Brian established energy systems modelling capacity in Ireland over the past 20 years and his research has underpinned Irish and EU energy and climate mitigation policies and energy company strategies. He is a recognised international leader in this field, has nearly 10,000 citations, a h-index of 50 and is the elected Chair of International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programme. Brian has also increased the transdisciplinary nature of climate mitigation research and this is particularly evident in the multi-stakeholder Dingle Peninsula 2030 partnership project. He received the SFI Best International Engagement Award 2020, the SFI Engaged Research Award 2022 and UCC Leadership Award 2022. Brian is an elected Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering has a B.Sc. from TCD and a PhD from UCC.