MARINERG-i ESFRI 2021 Roadmap Application Launch
The MARINERG-i ESFRI 2021 roadmap application launch will take place in Brussels on 25th September 2019 following the EU ESFRI information day. The event marks the conclusion of the H2020 MARINERG-i project and launches our European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap application. This proposes the formation of an integrated European RI that facilitates the future growth and development of the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) sector.
The MARINERG-i RI will be an independent legal entity of distributed ORE testing infrastructures. By consolidating expertise, investment and access to infrastructures, the RI will foster innovation across a variety of ORE technologies and stages of development. As the only integrated ORE platform of this scale worldwide, it will be the epicentre of this developing industry. The project has agreed on an ERIC legal framework and produced science and business plans that ensure the MARINERG-i RI model attains the criteria necessary for a successful ESFRI roadmap 2021 application.
The event will provide attendees with an overview of the proposed MARINERG-i RI and opportunities for networking and discussion with the project consortium (14 partners from 12 countries).