MaRINET2 Training Programme
After a successful 1st course by CRIACIV, named “Experimental modelling of wind actions and structural response”, the international project continues to roll out its marine sector training program.
The Technical University of Denmark is now about to host its course on “Remote sensing of offshore wind conditions”, in Denmark, 1-3 of November.
The 3rd MaRINET2 course will be hosted by the Maritime Research Institute (Marin) and Environmental Hydraulics Institute University of Cantabria (UC-IHC). Entitled “Hydrodynamics of fixed and floating Offshore Wind Turbine foundations”, the course will take its place November 20th to 22nd in Wageningen, The Netherlands, and is now open to registrations.
The short, two to five days long, courses are targeted for industry and academic researchers in the offshore renewable energy sector. Courses are organized and lectured by MaRINET2 project partners and will focus on three areas: wave, wind, and tidal energy.
The topics covered include integrated tank testing, hydrodynamics of fixed and floating offshore wind turbine foundations, reliability and risk analysis of ORE technologies as well as test and verification processes from tanks to the sea.
The courses are free, and travel & subsistence support is available to MSc, PhD students, and early-stage researchers.
Information on the program, location, and duration of the courses are available on the MaRINET2 website, which will be updated whenever there are new details.
MaRINET2 is a €10.5m project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program and coordinated by the MaREI (Marine and Renewable Energy Ireland) Centre in University College Cork. The project has been set up to accelerate the development of offshore renewable energy technologies by providing free-of-charge access to a network of 57 research facilities across Europe.