Offshore Wind Energy

MaREI has an extensive research and publication record in Offshore Wind Energy. We are members of the European Academy of Wind Energy, the Irish Wind Energy Association, the European Wind Energy Association and the European Energy Research Alliance’s Joint Program in Wind Energy. Research activities are focused in the following areas:
- Hydrodynamic design and testing of floating structures/vessels.
- Operations and maintenance of offshore wind farms
- Financial modelling to aid front end engineering design of offshore wind farm projects
- Multi use of marine space
- Wind characterisation and resource assessment
- Condition monitoring and fault detection
- Meteocean condition analysis and assessment
- Composite material design and testing
- Numerical and physical modelling of mooring systems
- Control strategy optimisation
- Electrical grid integration
- Social and economic aspects of wind energy generation

MaREI have collaborated with many leaders in the wind energy industry, including:
• Mainstream Renewable Power
• Enerco Energy
• Acciona
• Iberdrola
• Statoil
• aerodyn
• Skysails