Tidal Energy

The tidal research activities are focused in the following areas, leveraging the extensive modelling capabilities and testing facilities within MaREI:
- Hydrodynamic design and testing of tidal turbines
- Resource characterisation and resource assessment
- Composite material design and testing
- Numerical and physical modelling
- Control strategy optimisation
- Power take off design and testing
- Examination of wave and tidal interactions
- Electrical grid integration and power quality impacts of tidal farms
- Storage integration with tidal farms

MaREI have collaborated with many stakeholders in the tidal energy industry, including:
- Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC)
- OpenHydro
- DP Energy
- GKinetic
- Scotrenewables Tidal Power
What is Tidal Energy?
Short animation by Taoide and MaREI.