MaREI provides evidence to the Oireachtas Committee to understand the role of carbon capture

Update November 6th 2020

Dr James Glynn from MaREI presented evidence on carbon capture and offsetting to the Oireachtas Committee Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2020 on October 29th 2020. He acknowledged in his evidence (point 17) ‘the role of early dialogue and societal buy in. Behaviour change and demand reduction will be required. The national objective is unlikely to be met by technological means alone.’

During the discussion with Committee Members, a number of questions focussed on citizen engagement and dialogue and the Committee requested further information from MaREI on these topics.

This below Submission responds to the Committee request, summarising insights from recent MaREI research on the societal dimensions of the energy transition, with a particular focus on citizen engagement and dialogue. It highlights the urgent need for a more strategic approach to stakeholder and citizen engagement with a focus on inclusion, participation, deliberative methods, collaboration, and activation.

MaREI Submission on Citizen Engagement and Dialogue to Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

October 30th, 2020

MaREI Research Fellow Dr James Glynn provided evidence from our energy systems research using our national and global energy systems models to understand the role of carbon capture and offsetting in achieving carbon neutrality to the Oireachtas Committee yesterday, October 30th

You can find the research he presented HERE. 

You can watch the recording below.

Dr James Glynn research presentation can be seen below with the start time at 20.05.