Abhijeet Rajendra Gaikwad
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student DCU Energy Transition Energy Policy & Modelling
Abhijeet Gaikwad is a PhD student at DCU, Ireland. He has been into hydrogen sector since last 3 years with nearly 2 years of experience in research and development in India and believes that hydrogen economy has a significant role to play in decarbonisation. “HyLight has provided me a platform where I can put my knowledge to work, develop models, case scenarios and analyse the results. This work has potential to help industries in taking decisions and to execute the projects.”
- Focused on analyzing how policies can shape the emerging hydrogen market.
- Analysing suitability of market mechanisms such as feed-in-tariff, guarantee of origin, obligation schemes, carbon taxes, contract for difference for hydrogen economy.
Abhijeet has completed B. Eng. In Mechanical Engineering from Pune University, India in 2017 and MSc. Sustainable Energy and Green technologies from University College Dublin, Ireland graduating in 2019 with major focus on hydrogen infrastructure. He has nearly 2 years of experience in research activities in couple of start-ups involved in developing Hydrogen Mobility, Hydrogen-House concept etc.
- Master’s thesis: Strategic roadmap development for Hydrogen Infrastructure (Production, Distribution & Storage) In Ireland.