Anne Marie O’Hagan
Principal InvestigatorResearchers UCC Blue Economy Coastal & Marine Systems
Dr. Anne Marie O’Hagan is a Principal Investigator in the Coastal and Marine Systems Research Area of the MaREI Centre, ERI, UCC. She has over 20 years of experience in applied marine and coastal research, working across all aspects of marine governance given her background in environmental science and law.
Anne Marie currently leads a national project on co-existence and co-location in shared island Marine governance. As a Senior Research Fellow, she has worked on a number of multidisciplinary projects at national and EU levels focused on aquaculture, maritime spatial planning, environmental assessment, risk-based consenting of offshore energy, coastal resilience and adaptation, and Marine Protected Areas.
Anne Marie represents MaREI on a number of working groups including the International Energy Agency’s Ocean Energy Systems Agreement (IEA-OES), the ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM) and the all-Ireland Marine Renewables Industry Association (MRIA). She also teaches on the LLM in Marine and Maritime Law (School of Law, UCC) and the MSc in Marine Biology (School of BEES, UCC). She is an editorial board member of the journals Coastal Futures and Ocean & Coastal Management.
Further Information
Further information can be fund on Anne Marie’s UCC Research Profile