Archishman Bose
LecturerResearchers UCC Energy Transition Advanced Fuels in the Circular Economy
Dr Archishman Bose is an Eli Lilly Lecturer in Process and Chemical Engineering, at University College Cork (UCC) and is a Principal Investigator (PI) of the Circular Economy, Energy, and Environmental Systems (CEEES) Research Group, in MaREI, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) research centre for energy, climate and marine. Dr Bose completed his PhD in Engineering in 2022 on Photosynthetic Biogas Upgrading, co-funded by SFI and Gas Networks Ireland (GNI). This work resulted in the publication of 7 peer-reviewed journal papers on topics such as optimisation of bubble column operations and multi-criteria performance assessment of the production of biomethane with food and biofertiliser. His other qualifications include a Double Degree Masters in Sustainable Energy Engineering, with a special focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and academic-industry collaborative research and a bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering. In addition, Dr Bose also has a couple of years of work experience as a construction and commissioning engineer and piping design engineer in a world-leading industrial and medical gas manufacturing establishment.
His expertise and research interest lies in: biochemical and bioprocess engineering, biopharmaceuticals, process design and simulation, carbon capture and utilisation, design of experiments, techno-economic (TEA) and life cycle assessments (LCA); circular bioeconomy systems.
Dr Bose currently teaches modules related to Process and Chemical Engineering focusing on Process Design and Feasibility Assessments, Advanced Separation Techniques and coordinates multiple modules including the final year ME Thesis projects in Process and Chemical Engineering. Since May 2023 he is also leading the SEAI and DAFM funded project Developing Cascading Biomethane Biochemicals and Biofertiliser Systems for a Circular Bioeconomy in Ireland (CABBBIE). Further details can be found in his UCC Research profile.