Brian Norton
Principal InvestigatorPrincipal Investigator Tyndall Energy Transition, Climate Action Energy Management
Discovering innovative uses of materials in new systems to harness solar energy in buildings.
Brian Norton is Head of Energy Research at Tyndall National Institute, Research Professor at University College Cork and Professor of Solar Energy Applications at Technological University Dublin. Professor Norton does research on harnessing solar energy, particularly to heat, light and power buildings. He is author/co-author of fourteen books. His research papers have over 14,000 citations (h-index 58). He has very extensive international links including IEA, COST and Daylight Academy activities and been awarded over €10m in research grants. He is Vice-President and Treasurer of the European Sustainable Energy innovation Alliance. He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy, the Irish Academy of Engineering and the European Academies Scientific Advisory Council. He awards include an Honourary Doctorate from Universite de Technologie de Troyes, Honorary Fellowship of CIBSE, the American Association of Publishers PROSE Award, CIBSE Bronze Medal and Energy Institute Roscoe Prize.