Constantinos Menelaou
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student UCD Blue Economy Offshore Renewable Energy
Constantinos Menelaou is a PhD student under the supervision of Professor Frederic Dias and the co-supervision of Professor Daniel Toal, funded by MaREI. He is part of the Wave Group at University College Dublin, School of Mathematics and Statistics. Currently, he is studying the effect of wave-breaking on boulder motion at the seabed using numerical simulations.
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and specifically the Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH) method to study the complex dynamics involved in boulder displacement from the effect of breaking- waves
Originally from Limassol, Cyprus, Constantinos moved to Greece where he graduated from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an integrated Master’s in fluid mechanics and aerodynamics.