Damien Haberlin
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers UCC Blue Economy Coastal & Marine Systems
I have expertise in jellyfish ecology, interactions between jellyfish and aquaculture, fish biotelemetry and marine mammal monitoring.
Broadhaven marine mammal monitoring project
- Aqua-Marei I & II – mitigating the impact of jellyfish on salmon farms
- Fish Track Project – using acoustic biotelemetry to reveal European sea bass migration and behaviour in Cork harbour
- Blue Shark Tracking – using satellite biotelemetry to reveal the migration and behaviour of blue sharks
Education: Certificate in Mechanical Engineering, 1994 – 1996, B.Sc. Zoology, 2001 – 2005, M.Sc. Marine Biology, 2009 – 2010. PhD Zoology, 2014 – 2018, Thesis title: The role of fronts, eddies, and bubbles on the distribution, abundance and advection of gelatinous zooplankton: new insights for finfish aquaculture