Emma Knowles
Research Support OfficerResearchers UCC
Emma is a graduate of UCC who has worked on a number of EC-funded initiatives in both research and administrative roles.
Emma is currently working as project administrator of the EC H2020-funded Marinet2 project. Marinet2 has a consortium of 39 partners bringing together 57 offshore renewable energy testing facilities in a network and offering access to these facilities at no cost to research groups and companies. The Marinet2 network also conducts coordinated research, adopts common testing standards and provides networking opportunities in order to advance the pace of development of the industry. Marinet2 is a €10.5 million project and is the second iteration of the successful EU funded MaRINET Infrastructures Network, which was also coordinated and managed at MaREI with Emma as project administrator.
Emma is a graduate of University College Cork, with a BSc in Environmental Plant Biotechnology. Emma has worked at MaREI since 2011, having previously worked as a researcher in the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences (BEES), UCC.