Gerry Sutton
Research FellowResearchers UCC
Gerry is a Senior Research Fellow and Project Manager at MaREI where he is the main contact point for the Coastal Dynamics & Marine Systems Modelling group. His research interests concern the development of marine renewables, and the sustainable management of living and non-living resources with particular reference to Irish and EU near-shore shelf environments and processes.
Current Activities
- Coordination and Development of Marine Energy Testing Infrastructure (H2020)
- Co-developed and currently manages the 2m€ marinerg-i Horizon 2020 project which is developing the integrated infrastructure to accelerate research & deployment of offshore renewable energy on an EU wide basis via the ESFRI roadmap.
- Co-author and contributor to the associated H2020 project Marinet2 H2020 mainly in the area of e-infrastructure development and data management.
- Mineral Resource Planning (H2020)
- Task leader in Minatura H2020 testing methodology for mineral deposits of public importance
- Monitoring & Impact of Underwater Noise
- Led Irish demonstration project for UW noise mapping-Strive 2014.
- Developing Jonas project under NE Atlantic Interreg Programme. (Pending)
- Buoypower (NIAP). R&D work to harness wave energy for increasing the power autonomy of smart-buoys and navigation marks.
Gerry has a BSc. in Marine Biology from Bangor, Wales; 10 years professional experience offshore in the Hydrographic Industry. His MSc (Res) focussed on marine aggregate resources and GIS (2004). Prior to MaREI Gerry was Dept. Director at the Coastal and Marine Research Centre, UCC, where he contributed to the centre’s administration whilst undertaking a variety of research and consultancy contracts. These included leading technical work packages in EU 7th Framework Projects (MESMA, GeoSeas, Coralfish). Gerry Chaired the ICES WGEXT (2004-2006), and contributes to the EU TSG Noise.
Further Information
Further information can be found in Gerry’s online profiles: