Gianni Goretti
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers TU Dublin Energy Transition Energy Policy & Modelling
Dr Gianni Goretti is an Arnold F. Graves PostDoctoral researcher in the Dublin Energy Lab, Technological University Dublin, in collaboration with the ESB. The project, started in December 2020, is titled “Electricity Market Forecasting for Renewables Integration” and is supervised by Prof. Aidan Duffy.
His research focuses on forecasting wind power generation and electricity prices at the day-ahead time scale, energy trading in electricity markets with large penetration of renewable energy generation sources, and the development of risk-aware bidding strategies for wind farm operators. In 2013, he obtained his master’s degree in Energy Engineering at the University of Bologna with the final project developed at Eindhoven University of Technology. He then worked at Bosch in the Energy and Building Solutions division for two years.
In July 2020, he completed a PhD at TU Dublin titled “Forecasting the Short-term Value of Wind Power for Risk-aware Bidding Strategies in Single-imbalance Price Electricity Markets”. He was a visiting researcher at Auckland University of Technology and he also participates in the IEA Wind Task 36 on Forecasting for Wind Energy since 2016.
Over the last five years, he has worked as an Assistant Lecturer in TU Dublin’s School of Civil and Structural Engineering and supervised undergraduate, Master and PhD students.