Jeanne Spillane
PhD StudentPostgraduate Student UCC Energy Transition, Climate Action Energy Policy & Modelling
Jeanne is a Doctoral Student at MaREI, currently pursuing a PhD at University College Cork under the supervision of Dr. Hannah Daly, Dr. Ger Mullally, Dr. Paul Deane and Dr. Steve Pye. Her PhD project is exploring the topic of “Achieving universal access to clean fuels and technologies within households: synergies and trade-offs with climate action goals
Jeanne has extensive experience working in energy efficiency, policy and development. Prior to starting her PhD, Jeanne worked as a policy officer with the Heat and Energy Efficiency Scotland team in the Scottish Government where she led on Home Energy Scotland, the Scottish Government’s flagship domestic energy advice service, and on the relationship with Energy Saving Trust, key delivery partners for the Scottish Government Heat in Buildings Strategy.
She completed the first 12-week Community Energy Mentor course run by the Dingle Creativity and Innovation Hub and was involved in the Corca Dhuibhne Community Energy Group.
Previously, Jeanne worked as Regional Communications Consultant with WFP in Asia (2015-2017), where her role involved providing communications support to country offices across Asia, including travel to Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Afghanistan for emergency comms support. Jeanne previously worked as part of a small team supporting the Irish Ambassador to the United Nations in his position as co-chair of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) negotiations in New York. She worked with DFAT Ireland on a Review of Irish Foreign Policy; she worked in Rwanda where she conducted research on peacebuilding and radio programming for her Master’s thesis. She has an M.Sc. in Development Practice – an interdisciplinary program exploring issues in development across Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Economics and Management and Health. She also has an M.Phil. in International Peace Studies.