Jurgita Ovadnevaite
Post Doctoral Researcherresearcher
Research is focused on studying synergetic aerosol chemistry, physics and cloud processes, air quality, responsible for the aerosol measurements at Mace Head
Postdoctoral researcher and a leader of Aerosol Mass Spectrometry unit at Centre for Climate and Air Pollution Studies (C-CAPS) and School of Physics, NUIG
Graduated from Vilnius University in 2001 and received Ph.D. in natural sciences in 2007 from the Institute of Physics.
PI/co-PI and/or activity leader on a number of major EU and ESA projects: BACCHUS (FP7/2007- 2013/no 603445), ACTRIS (EU FP7-262254), ACTRIS-2 (Horizon 2020/No. 654109), OSSA (4000104514/11/I-AM) and a National Representative and Work group co-leader on a new COST-Action focussed on aerosol mass spectrometry, COST-COLOSSAL (CA16109)); co-PI of the national (EPA Ireland funded) research programme (AEROSOURCE, 2016-CCRP-MS.31) focused on Air Pollution comprising both national and international partners (Public Analysist Lab, UCC Atmospheric Chemistry Group, CNR-Bologna, Chinese Academy of Science).
Peer-reviewed Journal publications: 46; h-index: 15; Citations: 684
A full list of publications can be found here