Mohammed Riadh Habour
Post Doctoral ResearcherResearchers DCU Energy Transition Energy Management
Dr Mohammed Riadh Habour is a postdoctoral researcher at Dublin City University. Dr Riadh’s research focus is open source energy system modeling, developing a variety of scenario system configurations (deep decarbonization, net negative CO2 emissions, consistent with an equitable cumulative CO2 quota, aligned with the Paris Agreement) and specifically investigating the role of large scale energy storage and hydrogen.
Riadh received his PhD in Electrical networks from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tahri Mohamed University of Bechar. He finished his Master in Management and Exploitation of Electrical Energies and he finished his License in Industrial Computing from the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Oran, Algeria.
He worked as a temporary assistant professor with the University of Science and Technology Oran since 2021. Riadh was involved in several industrial projects on modeling and management of renewable and sustainable energy systems.
Dr Riadh is an expert in programming under different environments such as MATLAB Python and Pascal. He is also trained in linguistic schools: Sibwaih School (English), and French Cultural Center (French), in addition to his Arabic and Berber languages.
Dr Riadh is involved in “HyLight” project, funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). His main focus is currently to modelled the hydrogen energy and various scenario of large-scale energy production to support deep decarbonisation on the Island of Ireland, and to study the behaviour of the energy system including hydrogen production, in order to provide a roadmap for large-scale green hydrogen production and storage technologies.