Philippe Lemarchand
Research FellowResearchers TU Dublin Energy Transition Energy Management
Research Fellow in Dublin Energy Lab (DEL) leading research on adaptive building façade technologies.
Dr Philippe Lemarchand is a research fellow in Dublin Energy Lab (DEL), Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin). His engineering and master degrees in lasers and plasma physics led him to work in R&D and sales for international lighting, semiconductor and optics companies in Europe and USA. His PhD on switchable windows for adaptive building façades led him to develop and work on national and international projects on energy-efficient buildings including sustainability, circularity, adaptability and modularity components. He was an MC member of COST Action TU1403 “Adaptive Building Facades” and the IEA SHC Task56 on “Building Integrated Solar Envelope System”.
Philippe is currently participating to the H2020 Drive 0 project aiming to accelerate the sustainable and cost-efficient renovation of buildings with a user-centric focus by developing and testing innovative pre-fabricated modules. He supervises five PhD students in the field of adaptive facades, the analysis of the building stock and the development of BIM solutions. His keen interest to sustainability and the transfer of knowledge to educational programmes led him to join TU Dublin TransformEDU project. This project led him to develop a first automated analysis on the sustainability components and associated UN sustainable development goals (SDG) contained in taught modules delivered by TU Dublin.