Prof. Mats Eklund
Professor in Environmental Technology and ManagementMats Eklund is professor in environmental technology and management and scientific leader of Biogas Research Center at Linköping university, Sweden. He holds a PhD from the multidisciplinary research school of Water & Environmental Studies at Linköping University and is a professor at the technical faculty there since 2007. He is a research leader for the group “Industrial and Urban symbiosis” and founder of the transdisciplinary, triple-helix centre of excellence Biogas Research Center. He is also initiator/founder of the strategic collaboration between Tekniska Verken and Linköping university called Industrial Ecology research program which has been in operation for the last ten years. Other strategic collaboration partners include Stena Metall, E.ON and Lantmännen. He has supervised more than 50 Master theses, ten PhD-candidates to their degree and authored about fifty scientific papers on analysis, development and dissemination of sustainable solutions. Other roles he has includes: Founder and board member of Cleantech Östergötland AB – a company that supports environmentally driven business development from 2008 to 2014, Board member of East Sweden strategic municipal research centre from 2009-14, Member of the board of the Econova, an innovative company in the recycling and garden sectors with a turnover of about 550 MSEK, since 2014, Member of the strategic board of Re:Source, a strategic innovation program about valorization and minimization of resources 2015-2019, Strategic advisor and evaluator of research projects for Familjen Kamprad foundation since 2015, Evaluator in Energimyndighetens biomass research program since 2016, Member of the scientific advisory board of the company Axolot, a high-tech company in water cleaning.