Sajad Alimohammadi
SupervisorResearchers TU Dublin Energy Transition Energy Management
Dr. Sajad Alimohammadi is a Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at TU Dublin from 2017. He received his Ph.D. from Trinity College Dublin in 2015, where he also serves as an Adjunct Assistant Professor from 2018. He worked as a Research Assistant at TU Braunschweig, Germany in 2011. In 2015, he served as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at TCD and Adjunct Research Staff member at the Cooling Technologies Research Centre, Purdue University, USA. He was later awarded a Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellowship by Irish Research Council. His teaching and research interests are focused on Applied Thermofluids sciences and Novel Energy Efficiency technologies using experimental and numerical methods. He currently supervises a group of 4 Ph.D. students and has more than 30 peer-reviewed journal publications and conference presentations.