Vahid Aryanpur
Senior Post Doctoral ReseacherResearchers UCC Energy Transition Energy Policy & Modelling
Vahid Aryanpur is a senior postdoctoral researcher with the Energy Policy and Modelling Group. He is developing the TIMES-Ireland Model as part of the CAPACITY project exploring the implications of early versus late action concerning carbon budgets. During his first year in a postdoctoral position, he conducted research on the decarbonisation of road freight transport. His focus was on integrating intangible costs related to advanced electric and hydrogen-powered trucks (such as recharging time and cargo capacity limitations). His PhD project investigates the ambitious Paris Agreement goal through a novel integrated technology-rich energy model. In this project, a multi-regional energy systems optimisation model has been developed to assess the feasibility of national climate targets and their implications for sub-national regional perspectives, specifically focusing on passenger cars and associated infrastructure and investments. Prior to starting his Ph.D., he gained 10 years of experience working with various energy system optimisation/simulation models and developing scenarios for the energy supply and demand sectors.