Vikram Pakrashi
Funded InvestigatorFunded Investigator UCD Materials & Structures
My work, as the leader of Dynamical Systems and Risk Laboratory, investigates structural systems and materials for marine and renewable energy, focusing on Dynamical Systems and Risk/Reliability and advancing the sectors of Structural Health Monitoring, System Identification, Structural Control and Infrastructure Maintenance and Management.
My current projects investigate, develop and implement new ideas and technologies for understanding, monitoring, controlling and managing built infrastructure (Civil and Mechanical) with Marine and Renewable Energy applications. A significant part of the strongly interdisciplinary work incorporates applications from our built infrastructure. I am available for collaboration in these topics.
I have previously worked on several projects in Structural Health Monitoring and Reliability, with a particular focus on bridge engineering. I am a Chartered Engineer, with a PhD from Trinity College Dublin Ireland and an undergraduate degree from Jadavpur University, India.
“Dr. Vikram Pakrashi (BEng, PhD, CEng. MIEI, MASCE) is Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Director of Dynamical Systems and Risk Laboratory (DSRL) in UCD. Vikram is a Chartered Engineer and has served both industry and academia working on numerical and experimental applications of dynamics and risk/probabilistic analysis on traditional (roads, bridges) and bourgeoning (wind/wave energy devices and platforms) sectors of built infrastructure. Several of his projects are partly funded by the industrial sector. His recent research activities involve structural health monitoring, analysis of dynamic systems, vibration control, experimental methods in dynamics, damage detection algorithms and the use of new technologies for such applications. Vikram has supervised and mentored several doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and has received multiple awards for his research and leadership activities. He currently works with a dynamic and motivated team in DSRL close to industrial needs. Vikram is open for collaborations and participation in relevant funding calls.”
Further information about Vikram can be found on his UCD profile.