Vincent O’Flaherty
Funded InvestigatorFunded Investigator University of Galway Advanced Fuels in the Circular Economy
His research focuses on anaerobic biofilm reactor technology for biorefining, energy production, and wastewater treatment
Control of biofilms in infectious disease settings and the microbial ecology of anaerobic biofilms and soil ecosystems. 108 papers in leading international, peer-reviewed, journals.
Scientific lead for the Sustainability Pillar of the Dairy Processing Technology Centre (www.dptc.ie) funded by the Irish Dairy Industry and Enterprise Ireland and actively involved in several other projects focused on the development of a sustainable biomass and biorefining sector. His group developed low-temperature anaerobic biofilm technology towards commercialisation and the technology developed in my lab was the basis for the establishment of NVP Energy (www.nvpenergy.com).