Plastic Pollution: Community Action
MaREI and Clean Coasts to host a community event on the plague of plastics as part of Cork Harbour Festival
MaREI Centre for Marine & Renewable Energy and An Taisce’s Coastal Programmes Clean Coasts will host a community event addressing the plague of plastics, including short talks and film clips on the issue of plastics and marine litter with a workshop on recycling with the ‘VOICE Recycling Ambassador Programme‘ to shed light on exactly what we can and can’t recycle!
Input from researchers from the MaREI Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy at UCC’s Environmental Research Institute, recycling ambassadors and community influencers working on the ground to bring about and encourage positive behaviour change.
What: Community event on plastics, recycling and the plague of marine litter.
Date: Wednesday June 6th 2018
Time: 19.30 – 21.30
Venue: Royal Cork Yacht Club, Crosshaven
FREE to attend as part of Cork Harbour Festival