Post-Doctoral Researcher Position with X-Rotor
X-Rotor is a €3.9M H2020 funded project with project partners in the UK, Netherlands, Spain and Norway aimed at developing new innovative offshore wind turbine design to reduce the cost of renewable power generation. University College Cork is responsible for assessing the environmental and social and economic impact of the XROTOR concept including investigating the impact of noise levels on sensitive marine species, as well as determining potential collision risk. A carbon and rare earth elements lifecycle analysis will also be completed. A feedback loop will be established with the engineering work packages to reduce the impacts and maximise the benefit of the XROTOR technology.
The successful candidate will join a multidisciplinary XROTOR project team in UCC-MaREI and will form strong links with international project partners including University of Strathclyde and GE Wind Energy.
Considering the novel turbine design and levels of noise that the X-rotor will generate, the Post-Doctoral Researcher will conduct an analysis of collision risk for seabirds and investigate the effect of above-water noise on seabird behaviour. Seabirds have been shown to use auditory cues at-sea, and the Post-Doctoral Researcher will quantify noise levels and auditory cues used by seabirds using biologgers to inform models of turbine detectability and avoidance.
The Post-Doctoral Researcher will undertake a desktop study to compare marine mammal noise threshold values for auditory damage and behavioural responses to noise propagation models from operational turbines developed within the X-ROTOR programme to understand potential risk and appropriate mitigation.
Carbon and rare earth metals
The Post-Doctoral Researcher will prepare a full Lifecycle carbon assessment of both the X-Rotor and standard horizontal axis turbine concepts using the industry standard tool GaBi for which training will be provided. This will highlight opportunities to reduce the carbon intensity and the use of rare earth metals at the design phase.
Position Details
Post Duration: 30 months
Salary: €38,630 – €45,942 p.a. (IUA Salary Scale)
Project Title: XROTOR
For an information package including further details of the post see https://ore.ucc.ie/.
Informal enquiries can be made in confidence Dr. Mark Jessopp; Email: ei.ccu@ppossej.m.
Applications must be submitted online via the University College Cork vacancy portal (https://ore.ucc.ie/). Queries relating to the online application process should be referred to ei.ccu@tnemtiurcer, quoting the job-title.
Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 12 noon (Irish Local Time) on Thursday, 28th January 2021. No late applications will be accepted.
Please note that an appointment to posts advertised will be dependent on University approval, together with the terms of the employment control framework for the higher education sector
Contact Details
Contact Person : | Dr. Mark Jessopp | Contact Email : | ei.ccu@ppossej.m |
Job ID : | 042752 | Close Date : | 28-Jan-2021 12:00 |