Delta Lady

- Title
Delta Lady
- Start Year
- End Year
- Funding Body
Interreg Europe
- Coordinator
University of Twente
- Research Area
- Key Contact
- Website
The project focuses on river deltas in Europe and their potential to develop innovative activities aiming at utilisation of local natural and cultural heritage. The aim is to improve the regional policy instruments to foster the capabilities of using ecosystem services in river deltas to strengthen the regional economy.
The delta regions are rich in biodiversity but poor financially. The challenge is how to foster the natural and cultural capabilities available from the past and to develop new experiences based on ecosystem services in the river deltas to boost the regional economy.
6 delta regions participate Rijn delta (Netherlands), Danube delta (Romania), Camargue delta (France), Albufera delta (Spain), Po delta (Italy), and River Blackwater delta (Ireland).
The partnership consists of 9 partners from 6 countries and represents a mix of regional and local public authorities as well as education and research institutes:
- University of Twente (NL)
- Province of Friesland (NL)
- The Regional Natural Park of Camargue (FR)
- Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (RO)
- Emilia-Romagna Regional Development Agency, ERVET (IT)
- Po Delta Park (IT)
- Council of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Services & Shipping of the Valencia Region (ES)
- Cork County Council (IE)
- University College Cork (IE)